Melbourne - Round 2
- Friday, October 25, 2002 |

Since we didn't get much time to check out Melbourne 1st time around, we have given ourselves 5 days here before heading to NZ. We checked out the Melbourne Zoo yesterday in order to see a Cassowary, Platypus, Wombat and all the poisonous snakes we missed (Oz has 8 out of 10 of the most deadly in the world) before leaving the country. Though we did get to see all these neat creatures, our resolve to have kids went by the wayside when we encountered every elementary student in Victoria on School Field Trip Day. Exhausting!
The rest of our time in Melbourne has been spent planning the flights for the rest of our trip, researching Eurail options, and determining the right time of year to visit certain places & continents. It is quite a relief to finally have the majority of our trip sorted out. We were suprised at how long it actually took to get this worked out (3-4 days of continuous instense discussions).
We were lucky enough to have a few visitors during our last few days in Melbourne. Our last night in Melbourne was spent in luxury at the Sheraton Towers with M's maid of honor Lory. We moved our flight out a couple of days and she moved her flight to Australia in so we could hang out for 24 hours. What fun! It was REALLY great to catch up. It's funny how when you are with your best friend with a glass of wine in hand, it just feels like home no matter where you are in the world. Also, we had fun catching up for a few hours before our flight to Auckland with the Canadian couple we met on Fraser Island (Sean & Sherry). Check out their funny "Survivor" version of the trip to Fraser Island. Our very long account of that trip seems to have been lost in cyberspace. If anyone by chance, printed that info out...PLEASE SAVE IT...so we can retype it in... THANKS
Melbourne - Round #1
- Tuesday, October 15, 2002 |

Our arrival in Melbourne was during a shocking time for the country. The tragic bombing in Bali has been major news here in Australia, it feels somewhat like September 11th coverage back home. As Bali is such a popular tourist destination for Australians, the deaths of these mostly young Australians really rocked the entire country to its core. EVERYONE has vacationed in Bali and knew of the Sari night club. In addition, a few days later, a crazed student shot up his university classroom and killed 2 students. This doesn't happen much here in Australia. So, it's been a weird few weeks to say the least. The news sounds more and more like the US every day. too bad..
Listening to the news is pretty interesting here. We've realized just how filtered our news is in the US. I already knew this from my time in Israel over 10 years ago, but it is just so apparent now how little international news and info Americans actually receive from the media. More later...
We spent a very short time in Melbourne in order to pick up a cheap rental car, arrange a few nights in hostels for the coming week in the Grampian Mountains and on the Great Ocean Road. What we did see of the place, we really liked! Dinner in Little Italy didn't kill the budget and made us crave Italian food every night for the next week. YUM!! We also had lunch in in Chinatown. We enjoyed hanging out in a big city.. Loved the energy and look forward to spending more time here in a few weeks.
Sovereign Hill - Ballarat, Vic
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After spending much of the first 1.5 months in tropical Queensland, we were ready for a change of pace. Knowing that NZ is a bit colder especially since our arrival is during the end of Spring, traveling around the state of Victoria will expose us to some cooler weather. On the way to our first stop, we took a side trip to the town of Ballarat and the historic gold rush theme park called "Sovereign Hill". It wasn't as cheesy as it sounds or seems by looking at the web page. Victoria has many areas that gold was discovered and several sites created a "Gold Rush" frenzy much like California and Alaska. The museum and displays were suprisingly interesting and the recreated township put in past as the buildings, displays, shops and people were all "living" in the 1850's.
Highlights included a trip down into a mineshaft to learn about the biggest gold nugget ever found (until recent history), candle & candy making, blacksmithing, and wagon making.
Sidenote - Marisa forced me into taking one of those staged old time photographs where they dress you up in period clothing and take a black & white photo. This is supposed to be great fun and you will put the photo on the wall forever. Check out our photo of Dave "The Miner" & Marisa "The Good Homemaker" - - this is from our digital camera so we would have a color photo of these ridiculous outfits. The outfit colors are specifically chosen to be represented well in a B&W photo -- UGLY.
It was OK, the highlight was I got to hold a gun and wear shitkickers (cowboy boots for those who don't know).
Dr. Olympia - The Osteopath
- Friday, October 04, 2002 |

A little while later, Marisa and I called up an Osteopath (combo Naturopath, Massage, Chiropractor type) who's credentials looked impressive as a former Olympian for Australia. He took one look at me and said I was a mess and out of shape (somewhat true since we started traveling). This comes from a 60+ year old Masters Games participant in Discus, Shot Put, Sculling (crew) and weightlifting. Also he competes in barbershop quartets. So imagine a hulking, 6'4" 220 lbs doctor, singing, barefoot, and not looking a day over about 50 proclaiming that I was out of shape and needing some adjusting.
Having never been to a Chiropractor, the experience was quite interesting. They gave me a short massage to loosen up the bad back before the cracking began. Let's say it seemed like my body was one big knuckle needing a good crackin' because all I heard was snap, crackle, pop! I'm not going to proclaim a miracle cure for back problems, but I could stand straight and walk which wasn't happening before entering his office.
So much for contributing to the games and taking part in the fun socializing afterwards. My prescription includes - lots of water, walking, sea salt (supposed to be good for the muscles??), swimming, slow jogging (?) and laying flat on my back. No more lacrosse, standing still (no time socializing at the club as I'd wear a path in the carpet doing laps of the joint), slouching, sitting on the couch (doh!), and surfing (for the time being). We're also kind of wondering how we're going to do farm work (planned for next week, now on hold) and extensive backpacking and trekking in NZ starting in Nov (M can't carry two backpacks!).
Hmm... so we drowned our sorrows in a few beers in the Miami like surrounds of Surfers Paradise. Think positive thoughts, my back needs the energy.