Back in the USA and still traveling!
- Friday, April 16, 2004 |

Our journey is now over and we are having some bittersweet feelings. On one hand, we are very happy to be back and moving on with our lives, and on the other hand a bit sad that our travels have ended. The past two weeks have flown by. It's pretty surreal to be sitting in a coffee shop at Lake Tahoe logged into the web and updating our site.
We left Kuala Lumpur in time to attend a wedding for Marisa's cousin Rob and now wife Laura in Long Beach. Also, we were able to catch up with our friends David & Margot and they were nice enough to let us crash at their awesome house and borrow a car to head down for the wedding. The wedding was great fun, even though we were horribly jet lagged and had a hard time staying awake past 6pm. It was also great to catch up with Marisa's Dad and step-mom and the rest of the family. Also, we were dressed up for the first time in over a year...it wasn't so bad. Here's a photo of the happy couple with Marisa and her other cousin Pete (don't let the dazed in the head light look scare you, Marisa is wanting to take a nap right about now..
After the weekend it was time to cruise on over to Las Vegas and catch up with Marisa's Mom & Step-Dad. Linda and Joel were great hosts during our week spent relaxing and checking out their favorite food haunts. We had a great relaxing week and rolled North in our newly donated car (thanks to Linda & Joel) which we are calling the Luxo-O-Liner. It's a comfortable ride and got us up to see Dave's cousin Ryan and wife Roberta (congrats on being preggo!) and uncles in the Bay area and meet up with Lory and Maria. M had a ball with some much deserved girl time after a two year hiatus. Dave dealt with it as best he could...

Heading North out of San Fran we had a fun time visiting another of Dave's cousins (Curt & Kelly) in the Medford, OR area. We then headed out to Bend, OR to hang with Dave's parents for a night, where they were spending spring break. The drive over the pass was just beautiful and full of snow.

We were in a new city almost every day and finished it out with a visit to Jon, Jen, & Brynn's house. It was quite amazing how much Brynn has grown since Thanksgiving time. What a cutie!