Dave and I decided not to be too decadent on our 1st wedding anniversary...being backpackers on a budget and all. With the help of a parental donation to the cause (thanks J&C), we spent a few days in the mountains NE of Melbourne determined not to take in too many sights, read our books and make out. It turns out that in an answer to many an Aussie prayer, endless rainshowers and hail pounded the entire drought-stricken state of Victoria the entire time we were there. Not that we minded. It was REALLY cold outside and we just hung out by the fire, except for a few sight seeing trips around the area to keep us from having cabin fever.
It turns out that the cabin we decided to rent is owned by a WWOOF host. Meaning...he was open to us doing a bit of work for a reduced rate on the cabin. It's also the offseason combined with the fact that his wife gave birth to their 1st child a few days previously. The only work we had to do was chop a bit of wood (dave) and fill up the wood stock for the other 5 cabins. Pretty easy work for a 1/2 price rate. And get this...we were NOT treated like WWOOFers. A warm, freshly baked loaf of bread was at our doorstep each morning. Actually, this is not a good thing. Dave and I are quite bloated from eating almost 2 huge loaves of bread!! All in all, we had a very relaxing anniversary and can't quite believe that it's been an entire year since we said "I do"!