Clear Lake (Near Mt. Hood), Oregon
- Monday, June 24, 2002 |

What great weather we had on our 3-day camping excursion in Oregon! We found the perfect campground just east of Mt. Hood on Clear Lake (almost perfect...no showers). Our site was HUGE and right on the water--perfect for the pooches and fishing. The weather on Friday was in the 80s and sunny. Dave tanned his balding noggin', and I attempted to tan my ghostly white legs.
Jon, Jen, & Guinness arrived Saturday and brought the Portland weather with them!! grrr... Shorts and swimming were not an option! However, we did manage to keep busy with never ending games of fetch with the dogs, reading by the lake, eating burnt marshmallows & smores, and shooting the breeze around the campfire. It was a very relaxing weekend for all. I'm sure we'll all go camping again for summers to come!
Hmmmm, do ya think Jerry & Carolyn are just slightly relieved to have us out of their house after several weeks?? THANKS Y'ALL!!!!!!! We are now spending a few days at Jon & Jen's house in Camas, then off to Bend, OR for a few more days of camping/hiking. Hopefully we'll start our journey to Canada next week!! WOO HOO!!!!