On the home stretch...We arose with the sun (freezing) and made our way to Pendleton, OR for some chow. Pendleton is the Cowboy Capital of the Northwest (one of them). They host the infamous Pendleton Rodeo annually.
The coffee and outstanding breakfast at the Rainbow cafe was the highlight of our day. That's probably because we hung out at the Rainbow Cafe for several hours and downed obscene amounts of coffee while reading the paper at this bar by night/eatery by day. It was like a time warp-cowboy photos from the late 1800's lined the walls, old codgers were smoking and drinking at the bar (breakfast in a can of Rainier Beer), and a bottomless cup of coffee was $.70.
We took our over caffinated selves to Hood River, OR - a neat little town on the banks of the MIGHTY Columbia River - and wandered around at the Farmer's Market and various shops. The ultimate tourists.. When our buzz crashed, we went back to our book tape and headed to Camas--HOME. Well, Jon & Jen's home.