
We flew to Thailand this evening and are already in love. We are staying at a great little lodge not too far from the hustle and bustle but far enough so we can get some sleep. The food at the hotel is delicious, organic, and cheap! Our room and dinner only cost us $12. Perhaps we shouldn't have stayed in Europe so long (no regrets)... It's SO MUCH CHEAPER HERE!!!
We plan to head very far southwest close to the Malaysian border later this week to visit an area chock-full of small islands and not very many farang (tourists). Our journey will consist of an overnight, 12 hr train ride, a 2.5 hour bus, and a 1.5 hr long-tail boat ride. After a week in this area, we'll island hop our way north to a few more beaches. Yes, we've got tons of SPF 30, used books, and hats.
It's beginning to hit home that our journey around the world will be over in less than two months. Ouch, that hurt to write... So, we're going to be beach bums for most of our time left! However, we will spend about 2-3 weeks exploring the northern Thailand Hill towns, Laos (maybe), and check out Angkor Wat in Cambodia.