The highest mountain in Europe - Mont Blanc
- Saturday, September 27, 2003 |

How did we end up in France? It wasn't even on our itinerary???? Here's the story:
After Oktoberfest in Munich, we headed west toward Lahr, Germany (very close to Strasbourg, France) to see our friend Jorg who we worked with on the coffee/mango plantation last August in Australia. We spent a fun few days hanging out with his friends, walking through vineyards & a devastated corn crop. What a lovely, small town to live in!
Jorg had told us that he had a surprise and a present for us. Little did we know that he was going to lend us his recently purchased 1981 Mercedes campervan "Arnold." Well, we are flexible people and decided to take "Arnold" for a spin for a few days. Since only a few days of good weather was predicted, we decided to got to Chamonix, France and do some hiking. France wasn't in the plan, but we are glad to be here. Fondue, onion soup, and eclairs....yum!
Anyway, "Arnold" is shaped like a bread box and is twice the size of our previous vans "Heimo" (USA) & " Stella" (NZ). "Arnold" has a sink, shower, & kitchen table. The van is huge... Maxing out at ~30 mph uphill, we made if from Germany to Chamonix, France in ~8 hours. At least Jorg had installed a great stereo and has quite an extensive music collection. Too bad two days of hiking will not make a dent in our ever-growing travelers' guts!! L'Shana Tova (Happy New Year)!!!
We hope to find some time to update our journal soon on our other adventures in Germany....