- Tuesday, July 09, 2002 |

Our trip to Bend was fabulous, though 3 days was not nearly enough time. Dave spent some time fly-fishing. Too bad there wasn't a fish to be seen on Fall River. Our campsite was right on the river but it was extremely dusty b/c there hadn't been much rain in Bend for a while. As a result, Dave, Chuy, and I looked like PigPen after a few days. Thank goodness for Wet Wipes!!! A couple of years ago on holiday break, Dave's parents rented a condo in SunRiver in Bend where we hung out and skied for the week. Boy, the town has grown up a bunch since we were there last. Still a quaint town, but Bend is not a secret any more. From the new Gap/Eddie Bauer mini-mall to the revitalized downtown area as well as Super Wal-mart, the place is all snazzed up. We checked out the Deschutes Brewery as well as the Bend Brewing Company, both offering a fine array of tasty brews. Deschutes was our favorite..
The drive back to Jon & Jen's house in Camas, WA was gorgeous. As night fell, we took the mountain pass from Sisters to Salem. What a sight! Must go back and hang in that area.. Half-way to Portland, we read about a neat sounding job opportunity at a resort just outside of Bend. We planned our lives around getting these fun jobs the rest of the ride home. Too bad we were too far from Bend to go back and apply for the job in person. It turns out this resort is looking for employees for the rest of the summer and supplies room & board. We called 1st thing Monday morning, but the owners were bogged down with July 4th happenings. They promised to call us the week of July 9th. So much for that... We didn't want to waste a week hoping to get a job that wasn't a sure thing, so most of last week was spent figuring out what to do for the rest of the summer.
We have all but decided to pull in our trip to Australia from September to August. Marisa is going to Austin for Lory's b-day and then stopping off in Vegas to vist her mom & Joel. The rest of time, we will be aggressively planning our trips to both Australia/NZ and SE Asia. For the past 5 months, we've been wandering around the west. We are very ready to make some more concrete plans to look forward to. For now, we are crashing at Hugh's house where Dave lived for several years prior to coming to Texas. It's like a Bed & Breakfast. Hugh is out of town playing at a Master's (old people) Lacrosse tournament in Perth, Australia for a few weeks. We're doing some landscaping/yard work and major houskeeping to stay on Hugh's good side. :)