
We used miles to come home for a suprise Thanksgiving and also for D to visit and interview at b-schools. I think we suprised Dave's parents pretty good (Thanks Jen for keeping the secret)! After a busy weekend of hanging out with family in Seattle, eating leftovers, and getting to know our new niece Brynn & nephew Froggy it was work time.
Dave spent the week visiting 5 b-school campuses - U of Washington-Seattle, Colorado - Boulder, U of Minnesota- Minneapolis, U of Texas-Austin, and U of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
A very busy week!
It was quite a shocker for Dave as he had to shave and wear a suit for his interviews for the first time in a quite a while! All in all it was great to for D to check out the schools in person and get answers to specific questions, plus the bonus of catching up with our new neice and nephew.
Next is Israel, Turkey, Kenya, South Africa, and SE Asia.... Can't wait!